INROADS, SEO, and JPMorgan Chase & Co. to Launch Innovative Program to Increase Diversity in the Financial Industry
WASHINGTON — INROADS and SEO (Sponsors For Educational Opportunity) have partnered with JPMorgan Chase to launch the inaugural Financial Services Institute (FSI) Program. FSI invites top college sophomores of color to participate in a series of in-person and virtual training sessions to help prepare them for a career in financial services. FSI is open exclusively to INROADS candidates.

JPMorgan Chase, SEO and INROADS have partnered to create opportunities for increased diversity in the financial industry through the launch of the (FSI) Program.
JPMorgan Chase created this program to provide advanced training for self-identified black students, regardless of major, interested in careers within the financial services industry. The FSI cohort will attend a four-day program which includes an inaugural kickoff and participation in the JPMorgan Chase Sophomore Edge program during the month of April in Chicago. During the four days, attendees will develop technical skills and learn about financial markets, in addition to participating in case studies and interactive skills-building activities. The FSI Program will not only gather underrepresented students, talented mentors, and diverse business leaders but also contribute to the recently announced Advancing Black Pathways goal of increasing Black student hiring over the next five years.
“JPMorgan Chase is excited to have helped design this ground-breaking collaboration between two of our strategic recruiting partners. The Financial Services Institute (FSI) is an early example of our recently-announced Advancing Black Pathways commitment,” said Matt Mitro, Global Head of Campus Recruiting at JPMorgan Chase. “While FSI participants will attend our own Sophomore Edge summit in April, this new initiative is unique precisely because it extends the level of preparation beyond what is usually provided by financial services companies in briefer programs. INROADS, SEO and JPMorgan Chase agree that we can do more together to prepare more black students for the industry.”
In addition to the in-person seminar and mentorship, students will also receive four-weeks of virtual training in personal branding, interview preparation and technical skills-building powered by SEO Career. This is one of many resources SEO Career provides to prepare talented students of color for competitive internships to land full-time offers.
“SEO is proud to participate in such a prestigious program alongside two organizations that share our passion for increasing opportunities for underrepresented students. We are uniquely qualified to set students up for success by providing individualized interview preparation and coaching,” said Mindy Davis, Managing Director, SEO Career. “JPMorgan Chase’s commitment to increasing diversity sets the standard for financial institutions nationwide and opens the door for many high-performing students of color that otherwise may not have access to opportunities within the industry.”
FSI includes interactive training sessions as well as a face-to-face conference for students, with access to coaching, training and mentoring by INROADS partners and alumni. INROADS is one of the nation’s leading nonprofit organizations dedicated to training and developing underserved youth for corporate positions.
“We are incredibly proud to see this partnership with JPMorgan Chase and SEO impact our underserved youth, especially in the area of finance. We believe this opportunity for innovative training and mentoring will not only enhance these students’ careers but also help them pave the way for more diverse students to come,” said Forest T. Harper, Jr., President, and CEO, INROADS, Inc. “This opportunity will create a unique connection to our underrepresented communities to produce more successful 21st Century diverse leaders.”
Investing in minority, underserved youth for FSI is an incredible opportunity to expose students to a career they would never have known and increases unprecedented demand for the diverse workforce. The partnership between JPMorgan Chase, INROADS and SEO Career embodies leaders in their industry sectors working together to show the importance and significance of corporate diversity.
Upon completing FSI, participants will be considered for 2020 summer internships at JPMorgan Chase. A successful summer internship experience at JPMorgan Chase can serve as a platform to apply for a full-time position at the firm following graduation.
To learn more about FSI, visit INROADS.org. To find out more about SEO Career, visit www.seo-usa.org. To gain more information about other financial programs and opportunities from JPMorgan Chase, visit www.jpmorganchase.com.