Tara Spann, Head of Diversity and Inclusion at Eversource Energy

Tara Spann: Embracing Her Power at Eversource

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By Princess Jones Curtis

As the Head of Diversity and Inclusion at Eversource Energy, Tara Spann believes that the beauty of her work stems from being an active part of change. “My role is to create and drive the diversity and inclusion strategy as part of our commitment to building a diverse, empowered, and engaged workplace.”

The position comes with its share of challenges, including finding ways to help women break into male-dominated STEM industries and developing a pipeline for future talent. On the other hand, the rewards are immense. “The most rewarding part of my role is being a part of this cultural shift toward greater diversity and inclusion.  I especially appreciate working at Eversource with people who are just as passionate as I am [on] this journey.”

Successful companies make diversity a priority says the former director of global economic inclusion & supplier diversity for Merck. “If a company wants to be competitive in the future, then diversity is not an option, it’s a business imperative. Competitive is not just top and bottom line performance anymore;  it includes environmental and social responsibility – elements of business that create sustainable practices. Diversity, inclusion, and equity are critical to employee engagement, which in turn create elevated and sustainable business practices. Companies can improve their understanding of diversity in today’s workplace by having real conversations about personal biases and how they impact business practices and business outcomes.”

Spann,  a graduate of both Northeastern University and Suffolk University Law School,  has worked with other organizations, including Harvard University, Staples, Bristol-Myers Squibb, and the US Navy Department of Defense. These experiences have taught her a thing or two about leadership. “I believe the definition of an effective and impactful leader has evolved because the world as we knew it is now very different.  There are learned skills and there are innate character skills. Learned skills include active listening, effective communication, and experience in and expertise for one’s respective trade. Innate skills include living the values of honesty, respect, compassion, and empathy, all of which are more important today than ever before.”

If she could go back and take the journey all over again, Spann would make sure to use those skills and experiences to spend more time embracing her personal power and less time bogged down by the expectations of others. “Embrace your differences and believe in yourself,” she would tell her younger self.  “Do not be defined by others. Know that you are powerful and relevant.”