Stephanie Pinder-Amaker, PhD.

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drstepahnieheadshot Stephanie Pinder-Amaker, PhD.

Assistant Professor Harvard Medical School; Director, McLean College Mental Health Programs — McLean Hospital 

Dr. Pinder-Amaker is an Assistant Professor at Harvard Medical School who lectures and conducts workshops throughout the country on strengthening continuity of care, bolstering communication between campus- and community-based systems, eliminating barriers to mental health treatment, and supporting students who hold marginalized identities. She is a member of the WHO World Mental Health International College Student Initiative and has published on the prevalence and distribution of mental disorders among college students and the integration of student concerns into traditional models of care.

Dr. Pinder-Amaker has over 25 years of experience in college student mental health treatment, administration, and policy. She is the founding director McLean Hospital’s College Mental Health Program, a unique initiative serving students from over 200 institutions of higher education and providing student-focused treatment; consultation to institutions of higher education; and related research. Prior to McLean, Dr. Pinder-Amaker served as Associate Dean of Students at the University of Michigan where her portfolio included Critical Incident Management, Counseling and Psychological Services, the Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center, and Services for Students with Disabilities. She co-founded Twin Star Intersectional Diversity Trainers in 2018 to address issues of identity and inclusion in the workplace and is co-author of Did That Just Happen? a forthcoming book on cultural humility in organizations from Beacon Press.