Making Moves: How to Manage Career Transition, From the Inside-Out – Part 2

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By Luz Carrasquillo-Frazier |  Principal at MiLuz Leadership Development & Consulting

In part one, we discussed the first of two scenarios you will encounter when managing your career transition: working within an organization that is invested in your development and growth. Here’s a quick recap: Learn how your organization manages its talent, exercise conviction, and ask for help. Today, using my experiences as a backdrop, let’s explore the second scenario: working within an organization that isn’t invested in your development and growth.

I’ve spent over 25 years working in various industries and out of the five organizations I’ve worked with; one was not actively nor open to investing in me. I was told that I was a strong contributor and highly-respected by my team and peers. When it came to my professional development, however, the conversation went quiet. I wanted to be a thought partner and leader, to learn new, grow, and advance; I exhausted myself to prove to my manager and anyone in leadership that I was talented, capable, and worth the investment. I showed up every day as a team player and leader; constantly sharing new ideas, helping my colleagues, and taking on the work no one else wanted to. The effort was confidence busting and frankly, a waste of time; it took me years to figure out that there was no future for me there. Feeling confused and with no pathway in sight, I decided it was time for me to go. Now, I am not suggesting that if you are in this situation you have to leave, only you can decide whether or not the time and energy you’re spending in such environment are positioning you to thrive. If you do find yourself in a similar position, I advise you to follow these strategic steps:

  • Reflect and consider why you want to make a career change.
  • Declare what you want. Then align your mind, body, and soul with your goals.
  • Go where you and your goals will thrive, even if it’s elsewhere.

Take the time to reflect and consider why you want to make a change.  Change of any kind can be nerve-wracking as it can be empowering and rewarding. Typically, we experience change best when we’re in a position of control and not when it’s done to us. Seeking clarity and objectively reflecting on what you want to do and why you want to do it is an essential aspect to successfully managing change. Once you have an answer you’ll be grounded and more prepared to overcome whatever challenges arise along the way. Be mindful of not to make any major decisions based solely on emotions. A clear mind and committed stance will always steer you in the right direction and keep you on track.

Declare what you want. Then align your mind, body, and soul with your goals. I committed myself to never make a life-impacting decision without evaluating it from the inside out. That means my decisions are rooted in what I want, need, and genuinely desire. Far too many times have I found myself in turmoil trying to accommodate the various opinions of others. This can be very stressful and can work against you. While I graciously listen to the advice of others (there is always something to learn), I have learned to take off the pressure of pleasing everyone; trust your internal GPS. After nearly three decades of navigating the complexities of the corporate landscape, this Latina American woman knows what is best for her. 

Go where you and your goals will thrive, even if it’s elsewhere. Working in an environment in which you can freely amplify your best self is critical to your overall success. What do I mean by this? Simply put, you deserve to work in an environment where you can show up as your full and your best self. These are organizations with clear D&I values, programs for professional development, and forums, like employee resource groups, to keep a pulse on your needs and interests. When you find an organization where others will invest in your development and growth, go; that’s where you will thrive.
