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   imani-hs_1200Imani Breaker 

   VP, Applied Analytics – EBI — Comcast Cable Communications Freedom Region

Imani Breaker is Vice President of Applied Analytics in our Enterprise Business Intelligence organization with Comcast.  In this role, Imani leads the Analytics team who are responsible for working with our teams outside of our HQ organization.  The teams are advocates and ambassadors for the data assets from EBI.

Ms. Breaker’s career includes over 25 years of experience with several cable operators, including Media One and Time Warner Cable. While returning to Comcast in 2016 for the role in Freedom, Imani was previously a Comcaster from 2009-06 in Florida, Maryland, and Los Angeles.  In all her roles, Imani focuses on leadership development and driving a positive and impactful customer experience.

Ms. Breaker believes education is key to a successful career.  She received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from Southern Illinois University.  In the past, she has participated in company-sponsored Mentoring programs and helped her department implement a leadership development program for aspiring leaders. She also adopts and mentors every year a class of Pre-K children through a monthly Skype session, instilling in them the value of knowledge, technology, and travel.  Through the 5 years with Mrs. Stewart’s scholars, they have visited several countries, attended several museums, and learned several poems.

She is a member of NAMIC and WICT and was honored in 2010 as one of NAMIC’s Next Generation Leaders. She also was recognized by the Harlem YMCA as a Black Achiever in Industry (BAI) and has assisted the organization in providing scholarships to Rising Freshman college students. In 2015 she joined the ranks of BMLI and is a fellow from Class 33.  She is an active member and executive sponsor of Freedom’s Black Employee Network (BEN).

Ms. Breaker enjoys traveling this vast world, following a few musicians on tour, and growing the hottest peppers on this side of the Mississippi.