On Finding Your Hunger, Happiness, and Honor as a Professional

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By Soulaima Gourani

In order to raise your market value and live the life you deserve your true talents should be found, practiced, and continuously evaluated. I always say, one way to find your “true talents,” is to find your purpose in life. A lot of people never find their purpose in life, nor do they understand what motivates them. It is imperative to know what drives you because it is your so-called driving force that will take you forward toward your goals.

Motivation is divided into two types: internal and external (or extrinsic) motivation. The former is sourced from within, and the latter motivation is sourced outside. External motivation occurs when we are motivated to perform a behavior or engage in an activity to earn a reward or avoid punishment.

Examples of behaviors that are the result of external motivation include:

  • Being paid to do a job.
  • Competing in sports or a competition for a trophy
  • Customer loyalty discounts, or frequent flyer rewards
  • Closing a deal with a major client to secure a sale

Arguably, intrinsic, or inner motivation is the strongest form of motivation as it is not subject to changes by outside sources. Intrinsic motivation depends on a person’s values and processes for achieving goals.

Your inner motivation can drive your performance in the long run, and may be enhanced by three key factors:

  • Faith
  • Commitment
  • Focus

Most people’s intrinsic motivation is led by their 3 H’s – what makes them Hungry (mentally), Happy, and Honored.

How to Identify the 3 H’s

To find your 3H’s is to take an in-depth look inside yourself, by picturing how do like to see yourself in 10+ years from now. I encourage any professional to ask themselves: How do you want to spend the rest of your life? Do your goals match with your life-design?

If the answer is no, you must draw upon your faith and commitment. Do not wait or make excuses. Make adjustments!  

Diversion and distractions will be a part of the journey towards success, but in order achieve your goals it is essential to stay focused for the long haul. Those who identify and then choose to pursue their 3 H’s does not let fear hold them back. By defining goals, creating schedules to achieve them, and staying committed, they gain more in life.

About Soulaima Gourani: Soulaima is an Expert in Behavioral Sciences, Education and Skills, and Founder of Nerdy Speakers, Tradeconductor.com, and CEO of GETcapitalaid.com. Soulaima is a motivational speaker and philanthropist. Soulaima is an advisor to major companies on customer loyalty, strategic networking and change management and employee motivation and future of business (how to design sustainable products that provide environmental, social and economic benefits while protecting public health and environment). She has worked as an advisor/ and speaker for clients, e.g., Samsung, DuPont, LEGO, McKinsey, DELL, Microsoft, Stanford University, BMW, Cisco, and many more. Soulaima continues to be a sought-after public speaker and motivational leader. She advises American leaders, entrepreneurs, companies in areas such as strategy, management, and leadership. For more information on Soulaima, please visit www.soulaima.com.