Michael Welp, PhD

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michael-welp   Michael Welp, PhD

   Co-Founder — WMFDP

In 1995, Michael partnered with Bill Proudman to co-found White Men as Full Diversity Partners (WMFDP), and for thirty years has worked extensively with organizations around the world to grow courageous leadership skills, transform conflict, and create cultures of full inclusion.

Michael is the author of the book, Four Days To Change: 12 Radical Habits to Overcome Bias and Thrive in a Diverse World. The book is based on 20 years of pioneering workshops engaging white male leaders and building leadership skills. Earlier in his career, Michael facilitated interracial team-building with over a dozen South African corporations in his work with Outward Bound. His research on how white men learn about diversity led to founding WMFDP.

He is a member of the NTL Institute and earned his PhD and graduate degrees from American University and Fielding Graduate University.

Michael has also co-authored three field guides on skill building for leadership and diversity partnerships.