Invisible: Imprints of Racism

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The New England Foundation for the Arts announces Invisible: Imprints of Racism, one of over a dozen Creative City cultural programs taking place this summer/fall throughout Boston neighborhoods. This program, created by acclaimed dancer Anna Myer features two events that are free and open to the public: Thursday, July 28, at Ramsay Park in Roxbury (1917 Washington Street) and Saturday, July 30 at Franklin Field in Dorchester (91 Ames Street). Both events begin with a free barbeque starting at 6:30 PM; youth performances at 8 PM, followed by Invisible: Imprints of Racism at 8:30 PM.


Invisible: Imprints of Racism is a mixed genre piece combining both modern and hip hop dancers from Boston’s inner city with three of Boston’s emerging spoken word poets. Director Anna Myer has collaborated with these artists who are mostly people of color to explore the emotions of racism in urban America. The arc spans issues of anger, fear, victimization and privilege, as well as vulnerability, empathy and what all people share in common. The performances will be preceded by a short piece by Roxbury teens who have participated in workshops. Both pieces are designed to play for audiences in public spaces that rarely receive public performance art.

Creative City was launched in 2015 by New England Foundation for the Arts with hopes to support individual artists to enliven neighborhoods and engage communities. The grant program has awarded $178,500 to 19 projects in 2 rounds of applications. In addition, Creative City has also awarded $10,000 to 10 community partners to support/collaborate with the individual artist programs (more partner applications are in process now). September 12 is the deadline for the third invitation for individual artist applications. For eligibility and application information, visit Creative City is supported by the Barr Foundation.

“Boston is home to amazing artists, and this is a unique opportunity to fund artists to bring their creative visions to life across the city and in neighborhoods,” said Cathy Edwards, NEFA executive director. “Creative City is an expression of NEFA’s desire to support artists and to engage the public with art in ways and locations that are surprising.”

“We are excited to see the range of new work and creative experiences Creative City artists will inject into communities across Boston this summer,” said San San Wong, Barr Foundation’s senior program officer for arts and creativity. “It has been our privilege to partner with NEFA to support so many talented artists and see new stories of neighborhoods come alive through this new program.”