Goldie Chan

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goldie-chan_square-copyGoldie Chan

Founder, Head of Content and Creative — Warm Robots

Goldie Chan is the top LinkedIn Video creator, global keynote speaker, and digital strategist. Her video channel won LinkedIn Top Voice and is the longest running daily show on the LinkedIn platform with over 4 million views and counting.  She’s known as the “Oprah of LinkedIn” by Huffington Post.

Her current partnerships include major global brands. She also runs Warm Robots, a social media strategy agency based in Los Angeles and writes for Forbes on “Personal Branding and Storytelling in the Digital Age.”

In 2018, she represented the US in the UK as part of an inaugural Women in Tech delegation through the Mayor of London’s office and is a Forbes Fellow. She is a proud member of the Producer’s Guild of America, New Media Council, Stanford University graduate and has been featured as a fresh voice in Forbes, Inc. Magazine, Fast Company and more.