Dr. Myechia Minter-Jordan, MD

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mmj2_125pxDr. Myechia Minter-Jordan

President & CEO — The Dimock Center

In 2013, Dr. Myechia Minter-Jordan became President and CEO of The Dimock Center, the largest employer in Roxbury, Massachusetts and the second-largest health center in Boston. The Dimock Center is considered a national model of comprehensive health and human services with an emphasis on the integration of clinical and behavioral health practices and reaches more than 17,000 people annually through comprehensive health and human services. In 2015, The Dimock Center was ranked #12 on the list of the Top 100 Women-Led Businesses in Massachusetts, published by The Commonwealth Institute.

Dr. Jordan is a graduate of Brown University School of Medicine and Johns Hopkins University Carey School of Business, with an MBA in Health Services. After graduation, she joined Johns Hopkins Medical Center as an Attending Physician and Instructor of Medicine and subsequently as Director of Medical Consultation Services at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center.

In 2007, Dr. Jordan moved to Boston to become Chief Medical Officer for The Dimock Center. In her role, she aggressively pursued opportunities that expanded the organization’s resources and expertise. An innovative physician administrator, Dr. Jordan was responsible for the successful transition to the Electronic Medical Record system, established Dimock’s first Institutional Review Board to pave the way for research using human subjects, and in 2012 led the effort to secure a $4.9 million federal grant from HRSA (Health Resource Services Administration) to expand and transform the health center facility into a medical home.

As CEO, Dr. Jordan has played a leadership role in developing the Harvard Primary Care Center Initiative that partners academic hospitals and community health centers to transform into patient-centered medical homes. Through her work with the Harvard Catalyst Clinical and Translational Science Center, she also created an infrastructure for clinical research at Dimock, which will ensure that patients are meaningfully engaged in the creation and approval of research initiatives.

Dr. Jordan’s collaborative approach has led to significant partnerships linking Dimock to world-class institutions such as The Harvard Medical School, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Partners HealthCare. Widely respected for her expertise and insight, Dr. Jordan has published articles in The New England Journal of Medicine and other publications. In 2015 she was appointed to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Health Planning Council Advisory Committee and the Boston Public Health Commission. She has also served as one of seven Governor-appointed physician members of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Board of Registration. In addition, Dr. Jordan serves on the Boards of Harvard Pilgrim Health Care and The Boston Foundation, the Advisory Boards of the Kraft Center for Community Health at Partners HealthCare and the Boston Children’s Museum, and the Steering Committee for the Center for Primary Care.

Dr. Jordan lives in West Roxbury with her husband and two daughters.

Dr. Myechia Minter-Jordan will be the closing Keynote Speaker at the inaugural Health & Life Sciences Conference taking place Thursday, March 22, from 12-6 PM. Sponsored by Color Magazine, The IXL Center, and Biogen.