Bridgewater State University

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Bridgewater State University’s Commitment to Equal Opportunity:

Founded by American public education pioneer Horace Mann as Bridgewater Normal School 1840, Bridgewater State University (BSU) achieved university status in 2010 having moved far from a single room in the basement of Town Hall but retaining a core commitment to public higher education. In the last six years, the retention and graduation rates for all of our students has increased, and the persistence gap between first-time full-time students and students of color, first generation, and students from low-income families has been virtually eliminated.

A variety of factors contributed to our institutional ability to support the success of our students. These factors included: positioning student success, diversity, and social justice as key institutional strategic priorities; a long history as a teaching university with a demonstrated commitment to excellence in educating our students; a strong Academic Achievement Center that offers all students a range of academic support and first-year advising services; a vibrant and successful Center for Multicultural Affairs that provides students of color a mentoring program, social support, and advocacy; an Office of Institutional Research and Assessment that had established a culture of inquiry and institutional data-driven decision-making; the establishment of the Office of Teaching and Learning and strong institutional support of faculty development focused on student success; a recent revision of the Core Curriculum with an emphasis on small class sizes as well as engaged and high-impact pedagogies; and the establishment of the Institute for Social Justice and the Office of Institutional Diversity charged with supporting the campus on issues of social justice, diversity, and equity.

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Bridgewater State University will be recruiting Boston’s diverse talent on Thursday, May 23rd at the Professionals of Color Career Summit

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