Throughout the fall, Salvador Jiménez-Flores held public print-making workshops at both Hyde Square Task Force and The Urbano Project in Jamaica Plain, created on a self-made multi-functional tortilla press. His hope was, that folks in Jamaica Plain would gather to make art prints, enjoy Mexican food, and participate in a bi-lingual dialogue in public community spaces.
“Group print-making,” he shares “is a tool for self-expression, advocacy and education—and food has long been an uniter of communities of all ages.”
The December exhibition will showcase both prints created at the workshops, as well as a screening of the film, made documenting the community art project. View the Tortilla Social Trailer.
The New England Foundation for the Arts Creative City program announces Tortilla Social, a visual art exhibition and a documentary screening of the community arts project led by Jamaica Plain artist Salvador Jiménez-Flores. The opening reception, free and open to the public takes place Friday, December 8 from 6-9 PM at The Urbano Project, located at 29 Germania Street in Boston’s Jamaica Plain. The exhibition will remain on view through December 2017.