Titan of Color: Carole Copeland Thomas

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Carole Copeland Thomas is a worldwide phenomenon.

As a speaker, trainer, global thought leader, and business owner since 1987, she has her business fingers on the pulse of the issues affecting working professionals and consults with industry leaders on a regular basis. And she does some of her best work without ever leaving her computer.

“I’ve always been something of a geek,” Thomas said, proving it by adding that she had been a Mac user since 1985. “I’m very comfortable in the virtual world, which a lot of business leaders are not; their company may have a website, but somebody else runs it. I like to be more hands on to not only make sure the product we offer meets the needs of our clients but to stay ahead of the curve regarding what they will need in the future.”

The best way to understand just how influential Thomas’ footprint on the virtual business world can be, is to go to her website, tellcarole.com, and spend some time exploring. Just looking through the items listed in drop bar under the Topics and Programs category will keep you busy for a few hours. You can also watch a video, listen to her radio program, check out some of the articles and books she has written, read her blog and even, if you scroll to the bottom of the page, book a guided trip with Thomas to Cuba or India.

Take some time to check out her new online private coaching program, the Coaching Academy, where you can have a private (virtually speaking) session with Thomas on designated business topics. Sign up and all you will need a laptop, smartphone, desktop computer, or landline phone.

“The Internet is such a powerful business tool, especially when it comes to conducting business on a global scale,” Thomas said. “I recently participated in a virtual discussion with a colleague in Europe. The next day I was part of a U.S.-based mastermind group, with participants across the country. The third day I used the Zoom platform to have discussions with colleagues in India. Those three experiences would have been less impactful if we had connected on a conference call line over the telephone. Because we could all be in a video conference room and see each other as we talked, it turned into an amazing experience.”