The Date Doctor

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At a recent event, I was introduced to an intriguing young entrepreneur, Thomas Edwards Jr. He handed me his card, on it a blackened out figure with orange wings. He was upbeat with contagious positivity; it was no surprise to learn he’s a love/dating/life coach. “Yes, my clients have referred to me as Hitch.,” he quickly explained. You remember the movie, the chubby every man who needs coaching to get the out-of-his-league hot girl? Enter the love doctor, Will Smith. In real life, enter Edwards.


Thomas is charming and charismatic but looks too young to be giving love/life advice. However, the moment he begins talking about his business, you forget about his youthful appearance and you’re faced with a savvy entrepreneur.


“Online dating surged during this recession and so did the self-help industry. I started my business during the worst of the current economic struggle but I can honestly say that it’s only made business better,” Edwards said. He also happens to know his stuff, “The key to a great life is a life of passion. If you’re not in love with your job and can’t afford to ditch it right now, spend the rest of your time doing everything you love and create that balance in your life. Passion is sexy.”


We all know someone with experience using dating sites like, Jdate or eHarmony. Eventually, er, hopefully, you want to meet your suitor/suitete in person, right? Apparently it’s a major step these days. “In the age of Twitter, Facebook and texting, face-to-face interactions have become difficult for many people,” Edwards explained,. “The anxiety of actually showing people who you are as person is scary. Will he or she like me? Do they think I’m attractive? Am I coming on too strong? These are questions that don’t come up when you’re in front of a computer screen. A computer allows you to become who you want to be without fear.”


While Google is rumored to be making us dumber, online dating may be making us socially awkward. Thomas levels the playing field through coaching. “You do need confidence. People don’t push the envelope enough. A woman wants a guy who takes control and is willing to take risks for love.”


We hire trainers and coaches in other aspects of life, why not for love? If anything is worth working for, it’s love and others agree. Thomas is currently busier than he’s ever been with a waiting list to boot. “I want to be the go to guy for helping you find a fulfilling life. I plan on opening my personal coaching to live event seminars soon. I strongly believe that every person can lead a powerful life. We all have the potential and I want to inspire everyone to tap into it.”


“I’m not just talking about helping people find love, but also building confidence and creating more fulfilling lives. In the end, people are looking for security and empowerment at the same time; they should be willing to invest in it now more than ever.”