Public Speaking and Presentation Skills for Leaders

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kit_125pxKit Pang

Founder — BostonSpeaks

Session: Public Speaking and Presentation Skills for Leaders

1:15 p.m. – 2:15 p.m.

Session Description: Effective and powerful presentations build rapport with your audience and get your message across in an engaging way. Whether in a meeting with a client or to a board making investment decisions, presenting ideas with clarity and competence is key. Participants will learn public speaking theories and immediately put them into action by engaging in interactive public speaking exercises. Participants will present in front of the group.

This is a no-nonsense introductory interactive workshop that will help you become a more confident and polished professional speaker. Discover how to conquer your fear of public speaking, improve your body language and vocal variety, and learn how to make your presentation memorable.

Takeaways Include:

  • How to present and speak to build trust, reputation, and credibility.
  • Coping with public speaking anxiety
  • Body language/vocal variety secrets to enhance message
  • Storytelling techniques
  • Impromptu speaking practice
  • Public speaking delivery tips and tricks