PhuongAn Bui

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PhuongAn Bui

Artists for Humanity

“Painting was something I had never done before I joined Artists For Humanity. Furthermore, I thought I could never paint well. When I stepped into the studio for the first time, I saw other talented artists working on their paintings passionately, I was so inspired that I wanted to join the creative community myself. In Artists For Humanity, I learned not only about painting but also about problem-solving and
communication. Besides painting, I am also interested in photography. Being able to take in all the beautiful things in this world on my phone’s small screen is fascinating to me. When I walk around the city, I usually notice everything around me and carefully examine them. All of the objects have distinct shapes, colors, and structures. There is a truly magical feeling when the lights of the sun reflect on the incredible buildings in the city, a symbol of a modern world, and the natural world. I am amazed at how far humans have come from the prehistoric era to the modern era. I enjoy creating paintings based on those pictures. As I paint, I let go of all of my worries, allowing me to focus on the beautiful details in my images that remind me of the genius design creations of architects and the beauty of nature, and those details make me feel appreciative and respectful of the world.”