The Future of Startups Goes Global

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When Christine Souffrant Ntim set out to be an entrepreneur, she knew that in some way, she’d be able to help others on a more global scale. Last time we spoke to Ntim, we were able to learn more about how she created the startup Vendedy, the app that connects street vendors with consumers. We also learned about her Business Boot Camps, which helped entrepreneurs turn their ideas into realities.


Her newest venture essentially takes those Business Boot Camps and converts them into a digital platform called Global Startup Ecosystem, which she started alongside her husband, Einstein Ntim. This digital accelerator has launched in regions such as the Caribbean, Latin America, the Middle East, Africa, Europe, and Asia in order for different startups to receive more exposure to any and all future investors.


“I started the Global Startup Ecosystem because I realized that entrepreneurs in emerging markets are spending tons of money for access to expensive startup events in Silicon Valley and abroad to access top insights on building a business,” says Ntim.


First, Mr. and Mrs. Ntim send out a call for applications and within a few weeks, they receive about 500 applicants. Out of 500, they narrow it down to 100 startups. These startups are then invited to partake in the three-day online program. The rundown of the program is as follows:


Day One: Business Boot Camp run by Christine Souffrant Ntim, herself. Here, she shares her own story about how she got started. She also offers insight and advice on ideation, product development, marketing, customer acquisition, and funding.


Day Two: Keynote Speakers from New York to the Silicon Valley speak to the startups.


“[Einstein Ntim] provides a keynote session on mental health and entrepreneurship,” says Christine Souffrant Ntim. “Not enough is discussed regarding mental fortitude and building a business.”
Day Three: Pitch Day. This is when the top ten companies pitch their ideas to investors.


This startup ecosystem is completely online because people within the startup community had reached out to Ntim stating that there was a need for it. It is also a faster way of reaching a more diverse group of companies.


The ultimate goal for the Global Startup Ecosystem is be the premiere accelerator that entrepreneurs look to before applying to programs such as Y Combinator and TechStars.